Abu Dhabi City, UAE
Monday – Saturday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM


At Contra Pest Control, we offer a wide range of pest control services designed to address the unique needs of our residential and commercial clients. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing effective and environmentally friendly pest management solutions.


Service Details

Our residential pest control services are tailored to safeguard your home and family from common pests that can invade your living spaces. We understand the importance of a pest-free environment for your peace of mind and well-being.

Businesses face distinct pest control challenges, and our commercial pest control services are designed to meet those challenges head-on. We provide customized solutions that ensure a pest-free environment for your employees, customers, and operations.

Most Common Pest Issues:

General Pest Control
Our general pest control services are suitable for both residential and commercial clients. We target common pests
that often disrupt your daily life and business operations. Our approach involves thorough inspections, precise
treatments, and preventative measures to maintain a pest-free environment. 


Our general pest control services are suitable for both residential and commercial clients. We target common pests
that often disrupt your daily life and business operations. Our approach involves thorough inspections, precise
treatments, and preventative measures to maintain a pest-free environment.
 Cockroach Pest Contro

Cockroaches are resilient pests that can quickly become a health hazard. Our cockroach control services involve a
multi-pronged approach that includes thorough inspection, targeted treatment, and preventive measures. We use
eco-friendly products to eliminate cockroaches and their breeding sites, ensuring long-lasting results.
 Mosquitoes/Flies Control

Other Specific Pest We Can Help You With

We specialize in controlling a wide range of pests, ensuring the safety and well-being of our clients. Below are some of the other specific pests we can help you with:

Rodent Control

Rats and mice can cause extensive damage to property and transmit diseases. Our rodent control experts specialize in identifying entry points, setting up traps, and implementing exclusion techniques to prevent future infestations. We prioritize the safety of your family and pets while effectively eliminating rodents.

Bed Bug Control

Bed bugs can disrupt sleep and cause discomfort. Our bed bug control process is meticulous, involving thorough inspections, heat treatments, and insecticide applications to eliminate bed bugs at all life stages. We ensure your bed is bug-free, so you can rest easy.

Spider Control

Spiders can create a sense of unease. Our spider control methods focus on removing existing spiders, their webs, and treating potential hiding spots, ensuring a spider-free environment.

Snake Control

Encountering a snake can be alarming. Our snake control services prioritize both human safety and snake conservation. We remove unwanted snakes and implement measures to prevent their return

Bird Control

Birds can nest in inconvenient places and create sanitation issues. Our bird control solutions are humane and effective, discouraging birds from roosting or nesting on your property

Scorpion Control

Scorpions can pose a threat, especially in certain regions. Our scorpion control strategies include thorough property inspections, elimination of their habitats, and advice on minimizing attractants.

Bees & Wasp Control

Protect your family and visitors from painful stings with our bee and wasp control services. We relocate hives and nests responsibly, preserving these essential pollinators while ensuring safety.


– Effective pest elimination and prevention.

– Safe and environmentally friendly treatments.

– Customized solutions for specific pests.

– Comprehensive protection for your property.

– Proactive pest management for long

-term peace of mind.

Contact Us:

    To learn more or for immediate assistance, you can also contact us via WhatsApp: 971505269998

    At CONTRA, we are committed to delivering exceptional pest control services that prioritize your well-being and peace
    of mind. Our personalized solutions address your specific pest issues while considering the environment. Contact us
    today for a consultation, and let’s work together to create a pest-free environment that you can enjoy with confidence